Prezzi Venerdi Play Milano
Venerdì Play Milano “WE LOVE YOU”
15€ con 1 Drink e Buffet solo contattando e prenotando al 351-6641431
CENA [DALLE 20.30 ALLE 23.00]
25€ uomo cena servita e DONNA OMAGGIO solo contattando e prenotando al 351-6641431 (su prenotazione e ad esaurimento posti)
Ingresso Omaggio in lista dalle 23.30 alle 01.00
Omaggio Donna / Omaggio Uomo con drink fino alle 01.00
Oppure prevendite online disponibili a 15€ con 2 drink inclusi
Tavoli Play Milano venerdi:
Pista a partire da 200€ con 1 bottiglia per 6 persone
Arena da 250€ con 1 bottiglia per 6 persone
Privè Gold da 300€ con 1 bottiglia per 6 persone
Super Privè da 600€ con 2 bottiglie per 12 persone
Info e prenotazioni al +393516641431
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scrivere sms (anche whatsapp) al +393516641431 con: Giorno + Nome Locale + nome e cognome + numero persone
es: in 8 persone scrivere: Venerdi Play Milano Marco Verdi, 8 persone
Si ricorda che è sempre vigente la selezione all’ingresso. Abbigliamento curato è sempre gradito.

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Venerdi Play Milano
Prima di tutto il Play è il primo urban club d’Italia.
Poi bisogna ricordare i 3 appuntamenti settimanali. Particolare degno di nota: tutte e tre le serate sono certamente per gli amanti delle serate hip hop e reggaeton.
Mercoledì è universitario.
Il Venerdì invece è We Love You.
Per finire in bellezza il sabato è Premier.
VENERDI Play MILANO English info
Vibe is the first “Urban” Italian club, located in the new fashion and design district and central “City Life Porta Nuova” Milan,
a few steps from Corso Como, is a very glamorous and attractive.
A space on two levels completely renovated, thanks to a careful restyling, with surprising decor: high ceilings, stained glass windows of the city and a voluptuous staircase entrance.
Venerdi Play Milano is a universe in constant ferment, a place of style where everyone can experience the quality and sophistication, where elaborate a philosophy that it is above all an experience not to be missed.
The club is designed to be a declinable location and ideal for all types of events: private parties, corporate events or elite but also to be the new benchmark for an international audience and trendy.
The discoteque is located in the central fashion district and City Life Design Porta Nuova, is the disco hip hop’s most beloved Milan by clubbers most transgressive of the city.
A stone’s throw from Corso Como, the space is original and captivating. Two levels, high ceilings, windows that overlook the city, voluptuous staircase entrance: Vibe is a place of style that offers a unique experience not to be missed. The location has been designed to be declinable for each type of event, but it is at night, when it is populated by those who love hip hop music in Milan, which gives the best of himself.
This club has become in fact the point of reference for those who are looking for hip hop music in Milan: Vibe is in fact the only club entirely dedicated to this style, which is having more and more success in the fashion capital. Crossing the entrance to feel like being at a club in New York City, both for decoration and for the music selection: Drake, Future, Taylor Gang, Ice Cube, Snoop Dogg … just to name a few of what we’ll dance.
The hip hop club in Milan is open every Thursday, Friday and Saturday:
– Thursday evening is “Genesis”: a one-night fashion oriented in collaboration with various brands of the fashion system. In console: Message dj.
– Friday evening “We Love You”: unquestioned and stylish night, dedicated to a medium high public and attended by many personalities and show business and sport. The selections hip hop and r & b are by Herca dj.
– Saturday evening’s “Premier”: in console alternate Herca and Message dj. Selections mixed from the console, always in key hip hop, accompanied by video clips of the songs on the various screens of the room, where image and sound will merge to give the audience a new way to experience music.
VENERDI Play Milano
Ricordiamo gli appuntamenti settimanali da noi consigliati.
Particolare degno di nota: tutte e tre le serate sono certamente per gli amanti delle serate hip hop e reggaeton.
mercoledi , venerdi e sabato.
oltre alla domenica Mamacita.
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